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Kerry Skorup Dvm

Kerry Skorup, DVM

Associate Veterinarian - Clarendon, CAC North and Columbia Pike, CAC South

Dr Skorup will be on maternity leave from Early September, 2023 through the end of the year.

Dr. Skorup grew up in the Chicago suburbs and developed a deep love of animals from an early age. Her family still tells stories of the Christmas lists she sent Santa as a child, which always requested birdseed and dog biscuits first.

She earned her undergraduate and doctorate degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She moved to Arlington in 2013 and has been practicing veterinary medicine in Northern Virginia since. Dr. Skorup’s professional interests include internal medicine, soft tissue surgery, dentistry, and geriatric care.

Dr. Skorup and her husband have two young boys and recently welcomed a daughter. Dr. Skorup loves spending time outdoors and hiking with their Catahoula-mix, Quinn. She also enjoys reading, baking, running, and discussing the pros and cons of every playground in Arlington.


  • BS degree in Animal Sciences from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • DVM from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign