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December 2021 Newsletter

December 15, 2021

General Housekeeping


COVID-19 Protocol


While we continuously update our COVID-19 restrictions and workflow, we respectfully require masks in the office at all times. We are also limiting visits to one client in the exam room at a time. Thank you for your continued understanding!


Pet’s Photo on ezyVet


Please take a moment to upload your pet’s photo to the ezyVet portal(goes to new website)(opens in a new tab) so we have your favorite picture in your pet’s medical records. You can also navigate to the “MAKE AN APPOINTMENT / PET PORTAL” button on the homepage of the Clarendon Animal Care website.


Monthly Reminder


If you are no longer a CAC client, please contact us so we can deactivate your account and send records to your new hospital. Email to new website). You can also log into our Patient Portal(goes to new website)(opens in a new tab) to confirm and update information.


Happy Holidays!


Bustling streets, holiday parties, friends and family gathered around laughing and sharing meals – these are all things we as humans love about the holiday season but these can be stressful events for your pets!


As many of us either travel or have guests during the holidays, it is important to remember how this may affect your furry family members as new sights, smells, sounds, and people can be quite overwhelming for them.


CAC recommends offering your pet a safe spot away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday events with something to keep them distracted and a noise machine or radio to help drive out the sounds of any special events or guests.


…and a Joyful New Year!


Why should humans get all the fun on the New Year?! While they may need your help, your pets can also start their own New Year Resolutions – from teeth brushing to nail trimming to even starting their own exercise routine, there are plenty of good habits for your pet to form! Check out our Pet New Year’s Resolutions blog post(goes to new website) for ideas you can help your pet start!


What Type of Visit Should I Schedule?


In an effort to alleviate confusion and frustration when scheduling appointments or when additional appointments are required to address concerns or problems despite presenting for a wellness visit, we would like to better explain the distinction between the two types of visits! You can find the full details on our Appointment Types page.


Routine Annual or Biannual Visits:


This is a visit for routine wellness and preventive care of a dog or cat who appears healthy, or who has stable problems that are currently under regular management. The focus of this appointment is the maintenance of optimal health.


Non-routine Visits:


This is a visit to discuss illness, injuries, or behavioral concerns in depth. The focus of this type of visit is to get more information, or history, of the presenting problem and to develop a diagnostic and treatment plan.


While your pet’s veterinary care team may be able to initially address some concerns in the course of a wellness visit, typically these require additional time in order to fully address the problem at hand. As such, we may recommend a follow-up visit for concerns presented at wellness visits.


Fear Free Tip of the Month


If you will be doing some extended travel, your pet may benefit from anti-anxiety medication or possibly a sedative – remember to reach out to your Vet as early as possible to discuss these medications or have them filled prior to your trip!


It is also best to try these medications out prior to the trip to ensure they are giving the desired effect, as the dose or combination of medications may need to be adjusted to create the perfect fit for your pet.


Bonus tip: if you will be traveling by plane or traveling abroad with your pet remember to check your airline’s requirements for pet travel!

Categories: Behavior, Fear Free, Holidays, Newsletter, Pet Health, Travel, Veterinary Medicine
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