General Housekeeping

COVID-19 Protocol

While we continuously update our COVID-19 restrictions and workflow, we respectfully require masks in the office at all times. Thank you for your continued understanding!

Pet's Photo on ezyVet

Please take a moment to upload your pet’s photo to the ezyVet portal so we have your favorite picture in your pet’s medical records. You can also navigate to the "MAKE AN APPOINTMENT / PET PORTAL" button on the homepage of the Clarendon Animal Care website

Monthly Reminder

If you are no longer a CAC client, please contact us so we can deactivate your account and send records to your new hospital. You can also log into our Patient Portal to confirm and update information.

Happy New Year!

As 2022 kicks off, remember to check on when your pet’s annual care will be due to help plan and schedule visits!

Just like us humans, your pets should be visiting their Dr. at least once a year for an annual physical exam and to booster any necessary vaccines - for senior pets, we do recommend bi-annual exams to help keep up with their more rapidly aging “dog years”.

You can find your pet’s upcoming or due services by visiting the Patient Portal on our website and navigating to “Standard of Care” on the left hand side. You can also book their annual appointments through the portal! 

Back to Work

With the start of the new year, many of us are returning to the office either after holiday vacation or from extended WFH. This can be very exciting for us, as a chance to get out of the house and be in a different environment, but your pets may feel differently.

Many of our pets have gotten used to additional time with us in the past year or even few weeks and readjusting to a “normal” routine may be difficult for them.

If you notice your pet may be experiencing some separation anxiety, please check out our Dealing with Separation Anxiety blog post for some tips and tricks as well as reach out to your vet to discuss any behavioral or medication questions!

National Train Your Dog Month

What better way to start the New Year off right than to have your dog join in on the fun?! January is National Train Your Dog Month and definitely a holiday we can get behind!

Taking the time to properly and safely train your dog is an important step in their care and wellbeing and includes a slew of things from collars & leashes, to crates & commands…

It can seem pretty overwhelming at first, when you aren’t quite sure where to begin - one of the first important steps for you and your dog’s safety is to get them properly trained with a collar and leash. While it may seem like an intuitive thing for dogs, some of them do need a bit more time and patience or even a different variety of types of collars and leashes.

Check out our Choosing the Right Collar or Harness Blog post for more info and guidance on how to choose the right collar and additional resources on walks and leash handling!

Fear Free Tip of the Month

When beginning training with your pet, it’s important to use proper techniques, products, and science-based behavioral knowledge; while there are countless “training” resources on the internet, we do recommend vetting the sites and resources or even consulting a behavioral trainer! Check out our Behavior & Training section on our website for info on behaviors, training, and how to find/select the right trainer!


My Pet is Having Surgery - How Can I Prepare?


December 2021 Newsletter