Puppy & Kitten Socialization

With fostering and adoptions on the rise, keep in mind puppies and kittens need socialization, particularly the time period from three to 14 weeks. Socialization helps set up pets for a healthy and happy home life!

Socialization includes exposure to the following:

  • Other animals of their same species and other species (if possible); 

  • Multiple people, both familiar and unfamiliar people; and

  • Various environmental stimuli without causing excessive fear, stimulation, or withdrawal.

Some breeders and rescue organizations recommend puppies and kittens limit their exposure to other animals or the outside until they are fully vaccinated. However, once fully vaccinated, pets are usually outside the socialization window. In fact, the American Veterinary School of Animal Behavior states: “it should be the standard of care for puppies to receive such socialization before they are fully vaccinated.”  

We know what you’re thinking: “so wait… you want me to socialize a new pet… during a global pandemic when I have to limit exposure to other people and pets?!”

The answer is YES! But don’t worry, we compiled a list of some of our favorite resources. Check them out below. And as always, we’re here to answer any and all questions!

Favorite Resources:

Here are some local resources specific to socializing during COVID-19:

Virtual/Online Training Classes:


Rabies Awareness


Environmental Allergies and the Itchy Dog